Wednesday 17 September 2014

Oscar Muñoz at Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume (part 1).

Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume is hosting a retrospective of the work of Columbian artist Oscar Muñoz. Having achieved international renown as an exceptional draughtsman, in the 1980s Muñoz gradually abandoned paper as a support and experimented with new techniques of drawing and printmaking. Muñoz is known for his use of ephemeral materials, in poetic reflections upon memory and mortality. His video "Re/trato" shows the artist futile attempt to paint a self - portrait with water on a hot pavement. "Intervalos (mientras respiro)" illustrated above, are self - portraits made by Muñoz  using a cigarette to 'draw' while he smokes. The action of puffing on the cigarette increases the heat from which the image will be made, giving life to it, while the body breathing in the smoke comes one step closer to death. Extremely thought provoking, multi-layered and innovative!

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