Monday 29 September 2014

La Maison Picassiette, Chartres.

On Saturday morning I awoke with a "sense of possibility" and decided to treat myself with a day trip to Chartres, mainly for the iconic cathedral. I stumbled across this adorable little house in Chartres on Internet, and so ... I'm off on an adventure! Raymond Isidore began to build his house in Chartres in 1930 and systematically (over a period of decades) covered everything with intricate mosaics of broken crockery, painting and sculpture. For this reason,  he earned a nickname as "Picassiette", derived from 'pique' in French (to steal) and 'assiette' (plate). The intimate, idiosyncratic and very personal nature of this man's obsession presents a sharp contrast to the 'majestic' Chartres cathedral.

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