Friday 15 August 2014

Monet at L'Orangerie.

This is a close - up of one of Monet's famous water lilies curved panels in L'Orangerie! They are spectacular due to their physical size, ethereal quality and vibrant colours, but defenately need to be appreciated from a distance. Up close the surfaces get a little 'muddy' and 'chalky' at times. The rest of Museum L'Orangerie did not impress me that much. A lot of Renoir,  Cézanne, Derain and Guillaume. If you are in Paris for only a short stay and want to see the Impressionists, rather head for Museum D'Orsay instead!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the sheer size and that the paintings followed the curve of the wall-you are literally surrounded by them! I do agree. ..Musée d'Orsay is still the best! Glad to hear you're still enjoying that beautiful city!
