Wednesday 6 August 2014

Adrian Ghenie in Museum Pompidou.

I had the incredible privilege to see the new Adrian Ghenie painting today in Museum Pompidou. I firmly believe that the young Romanian artist is the most virtuouso painter of his generation! His painting technique 'borrows' from diverse art historical forebears such as Rembrandt, Francis Bacon and Gerhard Richter. In his painting abstraction and representation seamlessly coexist. Utter respect!!!


  1. Rosemary Martin8 August 2014 at 09:00

    Love it. Wish I could paint like this!

  2. I agree Rose. Pictures cannot possibly convey the 'energy' of his brush strokes... The man is brilliant! Painting is about 4 metres high.

  3. ghenie comme son nom l'indique
